Sunday, September 10, 2017

Which Type of Democracy Best Describes the United States?

After reading "Wilson's Theories of Governance" and defining the 4 theories of government, Marxism, Elitism, Bureaucratic Elitism, and Pluralism, I concluded that Pluralism best represents our democratic government. Now the United States doesn't have a perfect, ideal, pluralistic society, but we are slowly striving to be like one. Pluralism is a political theory of power sharing and contains political resources that are distributed equally. The United States is a nation strongly built on many diverse groups, people, beliefs, and interests. After all, we are known as a Melting Pot. Image result for pluralism
A recent example of pluralism in the US is the Black Lives Matter movement and the removal of confederate monuments. BLM is a group that has a strong influential opinion which has had an effect on our government. The movement stands up for racial inequality, police brutality, and racial profiling and recently protested against confederate statues with racist backgrounds. Their voices were heard, and the movement was strong enough to get some statues taken down. This is just one example of the divisions of ethnicity in the nation, and how eventually all these groups will have the same amount of power.
 Image result for protest movements us

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In a bigger picture, an example of pluralism is the American culture and it's magnitude of diversity. This includes religion, ethnicity, tradition, and even holidays. Also, In the United States political system there are several levels and branches where different people and groups like these can engage in the government. Overall, the United States is best described striving to be a Pluralistic Government.

Other sources that explain pluralism:

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