Monday, September 11, 2017

Which theory best suits our democracy?

There are four options to answer this question and none of them are wrong. One of the options, on the other hand, fits better than the rest. Pluralism is when the power  of democracy does not belong to one specific group, but to many. This is by far the best theory for our democracy because of the diversity in race, gender, and religions right now in the United States. Here are some reasons why with more detail.

The US is a melting pot of many different kinds of people. As of July 2016, even though white Americans are the racial majority, African Americans hold the biggest minority percentage of 13.3 of the population with Latino following with the largest ethnic minority of 17.8% of the population.  Having this huge variety of people, our democracy is better off with pluralism to make sure all the people feel included and not discriminised against.

Gender equality is one of the bigger problems in this generation. There are 74.6 million women in the working force right now but more than 39% work in a place where women make up less than three-quarters or the work force. Not only is it harder for women to get a job because of the glass-ceiling, but when they do get a job, they are paid only 80% of what men are paid. This is not far especially since women can do everything a men can do. In this situation, pluralism would fit best for our democracy to be equal among all people.

This is only a few reasons as to why pluralism is the best theory but there are many more.

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