Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Possible End of the Iran Nuclear Deal Agreement

Trump claims the "Iran deal is not fair to this country."  The Iran deal is actually called the Iran nuclear deal framework which is a preliminary framework agreement made in 2015.  In October, trump is going to decide whether to certify that Iran is complying with the agreement (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)), but if he does not then Congress will have 60 days to reimpose sanctions waived under the deal.  It is the most likely Trump will say Iran is not complying to the agreement because he claims it is the worst deal ever he has ever seen.  Not only that, but he argues Iran has "violated so many different elements" of the deal.  
Image result for Iranian president vs trump
Trump and Rouhani giving their serious speeches

In response, Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian President, threatens "America will pay a 'high cost' if United States President Donald Trump makes good on his threats to scrap the Iran nuclear deal." In fact, Rouhani states, it "will yield no results for the United States but at the same time it will generally decrease and cut away and chip away at international trust placed in the United States of America." Trumps counterclaim is to "keep in mind please that if the United States wishes to withdraw from the JCPOA, why would the North Koreans waste their time in order to sit around the table of dialogue with the United States, because they would think perhaps after years of talks and potential agreement of the next United States administration could step over or pull out of the agreement."

Discussion Questions:
  1.  Do you think Trump should certify Iran is complying with the agreement or not?  Why?
 Do you believe Rouhani right about the aftermath if Trump pulls the US out of the agreement, or is Trump right about the other countries not making dramatic actions about this?

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