Pluralism Relates to Democracy
Out of all the theories of power in a democracy pluralism best relates to the government the United States has today. Pluralism is power distributed equally throughout a country. For example that means everyone has power. Pluralism lets everyone in our country have a voice, just like a democracy.

For example in the United States we let all our citizens have a voice through our voting system. Our voting system lets everyone have an opinion with the election. We let everyone vote, and our electives get elected by majority rule. In the article, Wilson's Theories of Government, it says "...all decisions are made based on a majority basis." Just like a democracy, pluralism also has the idea of a majority vote. Another example is how diverse we are. America is one of the most diverse countries in the world. Our country lets everyone express who they are, and not get discriminated for being themselves. We express our diversity in many ways whether it's the different religious churches, or big places like China Town. We always learn to accept everyone for who they are. With our diversity we help make our decisions based on everyone's happiness and that's what makes our government relate to pluralism. A real world example is the debate on whether or not to take down the confederate statues. The decision of that is based on the majority vote. Since New Orleans is so diverse , the may has to take note of everyone's opinions and do what he thinks would make the most people happy just like he said in his speech. In conclusion our government relates to pluralism the most because it lets everyone have a voice and is so diverse.
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