Monday, September 11, 2017

Pluralism in America

Image result for separation of powers
Representation of the diversity in  power
              After reading about all 4 social power theories; Pluralism, Marxism, Elitism, and Bureaucratic Elitism, I believe Pluralism represents the United States the best. When a country is in a state of pluralism, power is greatly divided with many positions, and even if you do not occupy a position, you are included and you're opinion matters. However, because power is so divided, decision-making is slow, and several heated debates are intertwined into this process.

In other words, pluralism supports "...that all, or almost all, relevant interests have a chance to affect the outcome of decisions. Not only are the elites divided, they are responsive to their followers' interests, and thus they provide representation to almost all citizens affect by a policy" (Class reading). There are many events that relate to pluralism today in the United States. For example, Trump's travel ban. It took months to create the final decision. The Supreme Court had to take in their own opinions, the concerns of the people, and of course, President Trump. Even after a compromise was made, the Justice Department wanted it abolished!  
                               Image result for travel ban
Overall, Pluralism can sometimes be a tough theory to follow but the United States accomplishes it, and the system succeeds everyday. Please watch the beginning of this video explaining Pluralism; only watch until 3:10: Video
                                                                            Thank You :)

Sources: Class reading and

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