Monday, September 11, 2017

Bureaucratic Pluralism

In America, there can be good reason to believe that any of the four theories can describe the power in democracy. I believe that our democracy has a componatipn of both Pluralism as as well as Bureaucratic Elitism.
In our system of democracy, our three branches of government church and balance each other and keep the country changing at a slow and safe pace. This is clear usage of the Bureaucratic Elitism as these elected officials are given all the political and some of the social power in the government.
On the other hand, due to the fact these people are elected into office, others must be involved in order to get their politician into Congress. At this point this is where the money of the wealthy in the business world as well as the social influence shows the power that even those not voting on legislation could have power in deciding how the country is run. This Pluralism allows the power to be spread throughout all the most powerful groups in the country as politicians make the legislative dicisions.
The only reason I did not just label this a pure Pluralism is due to the fact that the polical dominance that the politicians have over the legislative process outweighs that power of the social and economic power that the rest of the people have.

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