Tuesday, September 12, 2017


The United States of America has a pluralist government.  Pluralism is a theory that states that politics are a competition amongst groups, and that our country is in the control of," a variety of persons".  One example of pluralism is the Black Lives Matter Movement.  Black Lives Matter was created after Trayvon Martin was murdered in 2012.  Trayvon's murderer George Zimmerman was later acquitted of all charges.  Another reason why Black Lives Matter was created is to stop police brutality and racism.  However, the group has been criticized for protesting and damaging property.  One man went as far as killing multiple cops in Dallas, Texas before being killed himself.  Because of all of the protests, property damage, and violence many people have been labeling Black Lives Matter as a terrorist group.  Since the formation in 2012, Black Lives Matter has seen very little progress as cops have still been killing unarmed black men.  Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and Tamir Rice are just a few victims of police brutality.  Another example of pluralism is Antifa.  Antifa(short for Anti-Fascists) is a group of people whose beliefs lean towards the far left.  They believe Donald Trump is a fascist and he will turn America into a fascist country.  Often times, when Antifa protests there is a lot of violence and property damage.  Earlier this year in Charlottesville, Antifa clashed with white supremacists which caused Heather Heyer her life.  Similar to Black Lives Matter, many people have labeled Antifa as a terrorist group.  Even with all of the violence and protests, there has been no progress in getting Donald Trump out of office.  Thus, Black Lives Matter and Antifa are just a few of the many groups that makes our country pluralist.Image result for pluralism pictures

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