Sunday, September 10, 2017

Theories of Government

Pluralism is the government theory that best describes America because there are so many aspects in everything about us that no one person can control them all. We have so many media outlets, so many brands, and so many branches of power, and so many people who use them, that nobody will ever have complete control. An example of this is the checks and balances system in our government. to ensure that no part of government becomes too powerful. A good example of his idea in action is when Trump announced the Transgender Ban for the military. Even though Trump is the president, he was not able to make the ban, because almost nobody else wanted it. This shows how the main idea of pluralism is true in our society, that nobody is all powerful, it is the people who agree or disagree with them that have the true power. Another good example in our society is how there are many different religious groups. There are so many that while some may have more people, one does not overpower or control the other, which is how pluralism is run. On top of this, Democracy in theory is a pluralistic system, as the leaders of government only gain power because the masses support them.

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