Friday, September 8, 2017

Today's government has many members that were previously corporate leaders, like Donald Trump, top military officers, like Chief of Staff of the Army, Mark Milley, and key political leaders like Paul Ryan. Therefor, in my opinion, today's government is based on Elitism. We have many officials that possess a lot of power for reasons such as previous occupations but most importantly, money. Money can give you the power to do anything pretty much. It'll get you friends that will spread the word of who you are and make you more well known, like Donald Trump for example. He started off working for his father's real estate company then grew on to start his own company, The Trump Organization, and is now the president of the United States. He now essentially is the most powerful man in the Country. But, he would not have gotten anywhere without money. Things such as business cards to billboard advertisments to commercials all to spread his name around could not have been done without the money he earned. This also means money can give you power over other people. For example, say two people want the last ticket to a football game but they have to bid on it. One person doesn't have a lot of money while the other person is a millionaire. Obviously the millionaire will get the ticket cause he can keep over-bidding the other guy and not lose anything from it. In a more political sense, say two people want to run for governer. One person is well known because he owns his own sucessful business and the other person is just an average guy that lives in the state. Now i know campaign slogans play a role in this too but again, the more money you have, essentially the more chances and oportunities you have. So, today's government is based on Elitism because the politicians who have a better say usually have more money too.

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