Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Trump's Travel Ban Idea

The travel ban is one of the many ideas Trump has to share.  Trump wants to shut down terrorist groups' use of the internet for indoctrination and recruitment.  He states, "The internet is their main recruitment tool."  His goal is to interdict these networks, how they use information, and how they physically move because the strengths of terrorist organizations, according to Trump, are that they are able to communicate, travel, move people away, transport money, weapons, drugs and illicit goods internationally.

Image result for trump's travel ban
People are rioting against the travel ban because they find it racist against the Muslims(-racism).

Customs and Border Protection Deputy Commissioner, Ronald Vitiello, said, "We are in the process of action planning about each of the opportunities that the United States government has to interview and/or vet potential inbound travelers."  That could include "looking at things like social media, looking at things like smartphones, those kinds of windows, if you will, into people's backgrounds and their activity," he said.  Next month, the President's executive order will suspend travel from 6 Muslim-majority countries for 90 days until additional information is taken to make sure an individual seeking entrance is not a public-safety threat.

  1. Do you believe internet is terrorist organizations' main recruitment tool?  Why or why not?
  2. Is it the right move to suspend travel from 6 Muslim-majority countries?  Why or why not?
  3. Do you have any other ideas of how Trump could go about this issue?  Explain.

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