Sunday, September 10, 2017

Pluralism and why it's right

The theory that I think best describes American democracy is pluralism. Pluralism is a theory that thinks that the political power is split among numerous elites who work separately and represent their followers. The elite in this situation is not any one sort of elite but it is many sorts of professions. The people who hold power in pluralism ranges from political leaders to YouTube stars, anyone who holds a large amount of followers and can create change is the social landscape of the country is part of the pluralist elite. Given that there are so many elites in this theory the power could not be spread equally and so is divided according to the amount of change they can make and their followers.

Image result for pluralist theoryThe elite of pluralism isn't just a couple of CEO's or government head figures but anyone who has followers and is able to make a change. The people who are in this category can range from the heads of state like "poloticians, and bureacrats", to citezens who voice their opinions like"Buissness people, proffesors, and enviromentalists". Even small things like political cartoons, and political memes can shape and form the political landscape. The power in pluralism comes from the followers and the people who support the pluralist elite.

Another part of the pluralist theory is that "political resources are distributed sufficiently among such different kinds of elites." This means that the power of the pluralist elite is not spread out equally. It menas that the power of a pluralist elite is given dependent on their followers or their political power. It makes sense to mention this because it is unlikely that a small journalist or a proffessor will have the same number of followers or the same political might of a member of Congress.

Further reading:

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