Sunday, September 10, 2017

Which Theory Best Describes American Democracy? The Answer is Pluralism.

The theory that best describes American democracy is Pluralism.  Pluralism is a theory of government that really goes with having a diverse country and having the power distributed among the different groups that coexist.  In a Pluralism type democracy, the diverse groups work together to compromise on decisions.  This is why this theory is closest to the American democracy.
Image result for diversity united states
First off, in a Pluralism style democracy,  the system is designed among the diverse groups to make it so no one group gets too much power.  This is similar to the checks and balances in the US that are designed so the branches are as equal as possible without one overpowering the others.  Also, going back to diversity, The United States is becoming tagged as a very diverse country and is known as the melting pot because of the many religions and cultures.  In America all are given the right to practice anything they desire which happens in a Pluralism democracy.  All groups can voice their opinion from all different point of views.  An example of this is the issue of whether the Confederate statues should come down in southern states.  While white supremacists want to keep the statues up, those of the Black Lives Matter group want to take the statues down immediately.  This is a prime example of two groups voicing two different opinions for governors and higher ups to make a decision based on the separate arguments.
Image result for confederate statue protest
Pluralism is not an identical match to the democracy the United States beholds, but it is the closest out of the other theories.


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