Sunday, September 10, 2017

Which theory of power best describes the American democracy?

Pluralism best describes America’s form of democracy. Pluralism states that power is divided and the people compromise to get policies instead of there being one or multiple powers that rule everyone. One reason is that the public’s political opinion is widely influenced by everyone around them. In Wilson’s Theories of Governance it states, “all, or almost all, relevant interests have a chance to affect the outcome of decisions.” Some great examples of this are celebrities. Many times a celebrity can voice their opinion on a topic and have a majority of their fans support and agree with what they say.
A tweet from Katy Perry from the day Trump was elected president.
Another reason that our democracy can be described as pluralism is because decisions are often made based on the public’s views. Wilson’s Theories of Governance states that “policies are the outcome of a complex pattern of political haggling, innumerable compromises, and shifting alliances.” An excellent example of this is the debate of the Confederate statues. These statues are being moved around the US to museums and other areas where they can be respected in the right context instead of out in public where they can be seen as hateful. This is due to the public acting out against these statues and protesting like they did in Charlottesville. Here is an article on what is to be done with some of the statues from that incident:
Confederate Statues

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