Sunday, September 10, 2017

Our Government,

Following the reading and identification of multiple political theories, Elitism has proven to describe the United States government very accurately. Elitism is a type of government where money is equal to power and wealthy investors and influences reign. Wilson's theories directly state that "The most important policies are set by a loose coalition of three groups- corporate leaders, top military officials, and a handful of key political leaders"(38). All three groups have rather massive amounts of money and have used it to their advantage in the government.
Elitism was fairly recently shown in Hillary Clinton's campaign. Those that she had considered a "basket of deplorables". Hillary used her status and wealth to put herself above others"Clinton's arrogance was on full display with the revelation of her speeches" and had she won that election, her wealth and promises of money would have most certainly landed her there (Sheer, "Revenge of the Deplorables"). This is also similar to Trump's who actually ended up wining the election. Trump found power with his wealth. Being a former businessman he was capable of not only boasting about his wealth, but using it to gain support from large businesses and corporations. His money turned out to be a gateway to the president's office: One of the most powerful governmental positions to be in.

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