Sunday, September 10, 2017


                 Pluralism is essentially, a system in which one's own race, religion, and principles are respected among all. The reason why this is suits our democracy so well, in my opinion, is the push for acceptance within different groups of people from all walks of life. The United States of America is a great example of this having such a diverse and rather wide array of people who strive for equality.

        One great example of a group of people who fight for their equality is the LGBT community, which faces constant threat from homophobic individuals. While by no means a recent group, they still aren't accepted by everyone. With our current president being a Republican this makes things even more difficult for them to gain equality among the rest of society. However, it would seem that things are shaping up for them especially with an LGBT Pridefest coming up.

        And of course, with President Trump saying he will deny immigrants further asylum within the United States.      One example of pluralism however, that never seems to fade is racism, each race struggling to gain equality among their peers. A lot of people are under the impression that just because they haven't heard of a news case or report involving racism that it's completely died down, that is unfortunately not the case. It is indeed a sensitive topic however not one that people seem to take seriously anymore. The reason why I personally view this as being so important is because it's already been established that United States is a melting pot of many different ethnic backgrounds, why is it so difficult to accept someone for who they are?

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