Sunday, September 10, 2017

Pluralism in the American Government?

 Pluralism in the American Government?

Our government and our society today is most like pluralism. Our government is based upon the laws and rights of the American people.  Now just because we have a president, doesn't mean that he is the only source of power.  The power currently is spread out.  The only complete power that the president has is the ability to control the military forces. Everything else needs to go through the three branches of government.  The executive( the president), the Judicial, and the Legislature. In the article, Four Theories of Elite Influence , in the Pluralism section ( the last paragraph), it explains how there is a spread of powers.  "political resources, such as money, prestige, expertise, organizational position, and access to the mass media are so widely scattered in our society and in the hands of such a variety, or persons that no single elite has anything like a monopoly on them. Furthermore, there are so many governmental institutions in which power may be exercised- city,state, and federal governments and, within these, the offices of mayors, managers, legislators...of the political progress." This quote, proves that everyone has power in this society, even the citizens .  They have the right to vote for their governors, mayors, presidents, and even more.  We have control over how our country is, and who has major power.  Take the presidential election for example.  People voted for Trump because they wanted Trump to win, and some people voted for hillary, because they wanted her to win.  Therefore power is exercised in more than one way in our current government, and it is most like pluralism.    

This video that is linked below compares Pluralism, Pluralist-elite, and marxism.

Do you agree that the American Government is like Pluralism? 

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