Friday, September 8, 2017

Which Theory of Power Best Describes Amrerica's Democracy?
As you all have been learning, there are many theories of power. Many are well thought out and organized while others are very strict. I beleiev that the theory that best decribes America's democracy is pluralism. Plurism is (in our words) a system where the power is spread out across society and there is little domination.
The pluralist theory truly ebest describes America's democracy becuase of it's spread out power. I know, it sounds crazy, but think. When people want something they hold protests, sign petitions etc, and government works to try and achieve what they want. Just like in pluralism when society works for a social movement. In pluralism, "no single group, even if it had many political resources, could dominate most, or even much,  of the political process. " (38) You may not agree on this but our democracy is not a dictatorship, every one works together and cooperates to achieve needs for a better nation. Now there are parts of pluralism whic I believe do not descibe the american democracy like how not one person can dominate becwuse there are many ways of dojg so. I believe that our democracy has some bureaucratic views. The power seems to be within the government and is decently organized, much like the bureaucratic theory. 
Lastly,  i would like to say the burnjng question i had since i started this blog post. What if i could merge the two theories? So i did. I decided to make a secckmdary theory ehich is bureaucratic pluralism,which is where there is power sprrad out but has officials within these spread out places which are representatives in the government amd it is overall organized like a Bureaucracy. Thank you for your time and let me know if you agree or not and which theory you think is best describing America's democracy.

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