Sunday, September 10, 2017

Elitism in the United States

After reading "Wilson's Theories of Government", and examining the means of Marxism, Elitism, Bureaucratic Elitism, and Pluralism, it is clear that Elitism shows a valid representation of American Democracy today. Elitism is means of rule by top leaders and authority.  In Wilson's theories, it states that "the most important policies are set by a loose coalition of three groups-- corporate leaders, top military officers, and a handful of key political leaders"(38).

To start off with top military officials, General John Kelly has made his presence known in the White House.  Becoming the Chief of Staff, Kelly is in charge of trying to tame the West Wing and keep the White House under control.   In addition to John Kelly, there are a variety of other Generals who have power and control over the military.

As for corporate leaders, Trump is a perfect example of this. In the theories it adds how the "government is dominated by a few top leaders, most of whom are outside the government and enjoy great advantages in wealth"(38).  Prior to becoming the 45th President of the United States, Trump was a businessman, along with starring in his television show, "The Apprentice".  He is also said to be worth 3.5 Billion dollars. While Trump is an extremely wealthy man, there are many other politicians who are well off and use their riches to give them power.

Lastly are key political leaders, some of which include: Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and many more Congressmen and women, along with President Trump.  Previous Presidents have also left a lasting impression on our government and democracy such as: President Obama, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, etc.  There are a variety of different politicians who make up the face of American democracy, these being just a few.
This ties into current events such as the military battle with North Korea.  Top military officials have say in what they think should be done to control the situation, while President Trump has the final word.This is elitism because the top leaders are making the decisions instead of involving Congress or the public's opinion.  Overall, elitism in the United States is the most accurate representation of democracy at this time.

Further Resources
Military action on North Korea
John Kelly in the White House

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