Recently, Trump's budget cut list for 2018 was released. As you will see in this article, The cuts to a major disability program in Trump's budget, Heather Block is only one of the many citizens that are horrified with the $72 billion budget cut to the Social Security Disability Insurance. This "disability insurance ensures benefits for American workers in the case of life-altering illness or disability. " (above article).
I have choose to post this as my current event not only because I am horrified by the situation, but also because I have my own personal connection to it. My sister is a part of this insurance. She was born with charge syndrome which left her with many deficits, and 28 surgeries later, she still has little motor skills and is legally blind and deaf. My family recently received a letter informing us that the day program she attends to 5 days a week with have to be reduced to 4 because of this recent budget cut. This may seem like nothing but to my sister it is everything.
However, this situation is far from the worst consequences that have been dealt out, as a result to this budget cut. Disabled citizens now have less of a chance of finding jobs.
The supposed reason for this budget cut is because it was told that out of the 9 million citizens on SSDI, most are not truly disabled. This is completely understandable, for lots of people do take advantage of the system. But, does this mean that the people who ARE truly disabled and depend on SSDI should get punished for it? Well what do you think?
Questions for Discussion:
What are your thoughts on this budget cut?
Do you believe there could be any kind of compromise?
Are there other ways the government can prevent others from taking advantage from this insurance, while still protecting the citizens who really need it?
Was their reason for the budget cut understandable? If so, should the budget cut still have been released?
Further Research:
The Trump Budget Cuts Disability Benefits. That Will Hurt Trump Counties
5 Things to Know About Trump's New Budget Plan
Hi Melanie, I decided to do my comment on your post because this was a jaw dropping article. I am beyond speechless with this unthought plan to cut out $72 billion from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) over the next ten years. As of right now roughly around nine million Americans depend on disability insurance. It provides a basic standard of living for low income seniors and low income children and adults who meet the disability eligibility standard according to CBS News. In the article “The cuts to a major disability program in Trump's budget” Mr. Mulvaney struggled to explain why exactly the management is targeting disability benefits as part of its proposed cuts. He said (people who receive something valuable) are not actually disabled. They are just scamming the government and wasting the money that could be spent other places with “concern”. These words that were said could be very offending to someone that has a disability. Its saying that beneficiaries are not disabled and there lying about their health problem. That is truly wrong to say. The goal of the cut President Donald Trump said was to "test new approaches to increase labor force participation." It was calculated that it would save a total of $49 billion dollars. That still wouldn't be beneficial to the millions of Americans that depend on this disability insurance. Instead of making this issue better it got many citizens concerned to what's to come next from this plan and how it's going to affect them in the future. Block, a 54-year-old former international aid worker from Lewes, Delaware, said "Where are the morals of the people going after people dealing with Stage 4 cancer?" Who has been on disability for five years after her cancer spread to her liver and lungs. "The people I know, like me, with advanced cancer — we've wanted to be in the workplace, but we don't have that ability now, so this is our income." It is not there fault that they can not work anymore, they need to be treated and helped, but instead the complete opposite is happening.