Monday, October 23, 2017

Is American political culture conflictual or consensual ?

The american culture is becoming  really diverse but also its population is increasing from the multicultural society which brings U.S all together but creates a different political culture.The two main sides are the blue and red which are split and have different  ways of life.The red states are considered as republicans and are more rural,have a lower income and low education levels.The blue states are considered as democrats and tend to  have higher income and education levels.According to "One Nation,Slightly Divisible" by David Brooks was written in 2001 after the release of the political map for the 2000  presidential election  which was between Al Gore and George W. Bush.

The 2000 election was a eye opener for the society because it created a controversy if the states are more divided rather than all together. George W. Bush lost the popular election  but of course won the electoral college. But in the other hand Gore won the popular vote but lost the electoral college with 266 votes. This was the beginning of the political culture conflictual  which made the United States realize of how the citizens end up to split which ends up for everyone to divide on legitimacy of the regime and solutions  to major problems.Also the political subcultures are exploding from  everybody being different causes more people to have more stances on different topics  which leads to chaos rather than one specific way.Also the red states were liberal and blue were conservative.But  one example to show how the US was the federalist vs anti -federalist how it compares to red vs blue states.
Image result for 2000 electoral mapImage result for 2012 electoral map
In those images shows how 2000 & 2012 are really similar but people have to realize how the United States has continued to be split and not united for 12 years.But also shows how the majority of the states declared as red & blue have been voting the same for a while but only small little changes occur. From these differences,America is still considered to  be united because it connects different cultures,religion and beliefs together to make everyone to achieve their American dream such as Obama becoming the first African American president. So in conclusion the united states political culture is conflictual because as shown on the pictures above people are really diverse but that what makes the U.S different and more dominant than the rest. 

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