Friday, October 20, 2017

American Political Culture

Conflictual or Consensual in America?

        We sometimes don't even realize that we are even in a constant disagreement with people around us. Fighting about whether who is right or who is wrong in the angry dispute that people are having. This is always happening in America today, that is conflictual political culture. For example, presidential elections bring out different sides, like Democrats, Republicans and other parties that believe in different ideas and beliefs. Everyone has their own opinions and describes people on different sides of America. Also, having more jobs could help the residents in each state, but also could have some downfalls.

                                Image result for presidential election  
        In "One Nation, Slightly Divisible", by David Brooks talks about how America is conflictual. Describes differences between Red and Blue America. For example, Brooks says that Blue America is more modern, secular and self-expressive, but Red America is the opposite by being more traditional, religious and patriotic. Brooks said that, "Red Americans are racist and homophobic, and when you see them at highway rest stops, they're often really fat and their clothes are too tight." This shows that people are stereotypical to people on both sides. 

       In the video "Crossfire: The great divide- red vs. blue states (part 1/3)", by Rebuild The Dream. Democrats and Republican discuss about job creation and minimum wage. Democrats agree to having more jobs and raising the minimum wage, but Republicans want to keep it where it is. Democrat, Illinois governor, Pat Quinn said, "If folks have a JOB, why not give them a living wage." He wants to give people a chance by raising the minimum wage, like they did in Illinois to $8.25. But The Republican's said, "States that have raised minimum wage have an increased unemployment rate." Maybe it's possible that since they had to pay more, they had to let employees go.  

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