Sunday, October 22, 2017

Conflictual v. Consensual

Is American political culture conflictual or consensual?

America today is definitely conflicutal, and heres a few reasons why... When you think about a conflictual political culture the first thing you think about is citizens are sharply divided on legitimacy of the regime and solutions to major problems and in America there is a huge division between people and what their beliefs, morals and opinions are. There are some states that qualify as "blue states" and there are some states that qualify as "red states" and each on of them have completely different views on our government which sometimes may cause some conflict if each other don't agree on one topic. In the Article, "One Nation, Slightly Divisible" the Author, David Brooks lists the differences between the red and blue states. He states that red states are mostly Southern or Coastal areas and are more humble and are usually farmers and blue states are more chill and educated causing each state to create conflict with the other just because ones a Republican and ones a Democrat. Therefore could only make America a conflictual culture.

Related image

Image result for republican and democrat map 2017

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