Sunday, October 22, 2017

Are Times Changing in Political Culture?

Is America Conflictual or Consensual? 

   Ever since the 2000 Presidential Election, America has seen its political culture as divided as many blocks of "red" states and "blue" states were seen grouped throughout the electoral map and many were puzzled by this, including David Brooks who wrote the article, "One Nation, Slightly Dividable" which highlighted the differences between each group by grouping them as stereotypical based on their location and lifestyle, basically calling people from red states 'chunky Walmart goers' and the blue 'pale barn wearing Starbucks drinkers'. In highlighting all of their cultural differences he was able to prove that these groups come from different walks of life, but does that really mean the culture causes conflict, or is a new shift right around the corner?

It may seem that since the 2000 elections, some divide has come up between the two groups as now that Donald Trump has become president, many from blue states has rioted, claiming that he is 'Not Our President' and looking for ways to impeach him, seeming divided as ever. This may be true, but based on the response of both Trump and Clinton following the election of Trump. After Trump heard the news of his victory he said, "...We will deal fairly with everyone, all people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility. Partnership, not conflict" and Hillary said, "I hope he will be a successful president for all Americans" and claimed she wants to work with Trump.

Although many other posts have highlighted the idea that America has always had a divided culture, echoing back to the Civil War, it leads America with few options to avoid such a conflictual nation. As I'm sure no one wants to see another war of 'red vs. blue' today, America need to learn to compromise in order to restore order, as it seems the the government is as lacking more than ever to pass legislation and groups are unwilling to listen, leading to violent riots, government shut downs, budget debates, and general stalemate in all things politics, making progress or kindness towards each other difficult these days.
  In today's political culture it is fair to say that our nations culture is very conflictual, as it seems Congress has a hard time passing laws and many riots have taken place over the past few years regarding political injustice and has been dividing the country further, but as these two public figures have told there following, it is time to put aside these cultural bias and try to work together to make America untied again. The words of Brooks article have held true for the past 17 years and it is about time to change this, as Trump and Clinton both reach out to Americans to tell them it is time to switch as Americans should look to work together, compromise, and change to a more consensual nation.

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