Friday, October 20, 2017

Conflictual Politics in America

               More often than not, we find ourselves to be in a state of perpetual disagreement, among different people in different groups fighting about who is right, who is wrong, and who is doing what. take all the "who"'s out of the previous sentences and replace them with "what" and you have a completely different argument, this is conflictual political culture, and this is the current state of political culture in America. 

              Especially nowadays, with people thinking one thing spreading that idea through the individual's influence, all of a sudden one person with a different idea, or the exact opposite idea will spread their belief through their influence through many other people, and their will be conflict. This idea does exist and already exists through "Red" states, and "Blue" states, one side the epitome of conservatism and the other representing liberals, respectively. Every election these states, sometimes fluctuate; but for the most part each blue state remain blue, and the red states remain red, this is most likely due to what people associate with their core beliefs, but also the idea of full commitment and undying loyalty to a single cause. Every person, associates themselves with a political party, which is directly linked to that person's beliefs, and this is sets up conflicts, due to the fact that: one party directly opposes each other, and each believes that the other are wrong.
            Division in our government makes it difficult to rule effectively: due to the existence of so many people who are liberal, conservative, etc. this makes it extremely difficult for the government to cater to all people of all beliefs (be it the national government or the state government). People who are libertarian hate liberals and conservatives alike, and vice versa. Not to mention, not only are the citizens divided, but the government is equally as diverse (albeit to a smaller degree) due to again the different beliefs that are shared among the U.S. Congress, the national government, and the state by state legislature. Although in Congress, there is a majority of conservatives, that doesn't largely influence anything (it's complicated). 

            Political subcultures can erupt: up until recent years, there has really only been two political parties in which one could "associate" themselves with. Now, there are various political parties (although not many that are largely known due to no candidates supporting them), the most popular "political subculture" is Libertarian, one who believes that government should not interfere with the affairs of the individual. A lot of the reason why these political subcultures tend to surface, goes back to difference of opinion; one party consisting o multiple people sharing the same core values, and another group pops out of existence to act as an anti-thesis to that party, or just very simply; doesn't like what that party stands or. The underlying cause in all of this confused mess, is the result of multiple people voicing their opinions to each other, or a matter of others trying to gain support for what an individual believes to be "correct".

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