Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Impeachment Research

Each student in each group will complete a brief for their impeachment case. 
The brief must follow the following format:
  1. Background of the case
    • What happened?
  2. Societal factors at work in the case
    • What was happening in the country at the time that had an impact on the case?
  3. Important "actors" in the case
    • Who was involved in the case? (names and descriptions of roles)
  4. Popular conceptions of the case
    • Polls, public opinion, critical interpretation, etc
  5. Political dimensions of the case
    • What role did politics play in the impeachment process?
  6. Resolution of the case
    • Was the president impeached? Why or why not?
    • Was the impeachment justified?

Image result for bill clinton i did not have

Image result for nixon i am not a crook

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